Our law firm

Our firm, which specialises in Swiss and French law, advises, and represents you in French- and German-speaking Switzerland. We can also assist you with your legal proceedings in France.

We are committed to working with you as a team. Attentive to your needs, we will work with you to find an amicable solution to your dispute and will support you if litigation is necessary.

Our values of goodwill, listening and open-mindedness guide us in representing you with seriousness, dignity, and respect for the ethical rules of our profession.

We understand the impact of litigation on your life and will take this into account to support you, whether you wish to be represented in your private or professional life or whether we are acting on behalf of your company.

Me Marlène Collette
Me Ines Hassissene
Me Pascal Jeannin

Our skills are complementary and can be applied to both Swiss and French law.

We can advise you in French, English, German and Swiss-German.

We can act on your behalf in litigation, out-of-court settlements or in an advisory capacity.

Family law: separation, protection of marital union, divorce, maintenance contributions, registered partnership/ PACS, parentage, etc.

Association law

Contract law: leases, employment, company and agency contracts

Private and public construction law

Company law

Administrative law: civil service, town and country planning

Private international law: family law, filiation, contract law

French law: public and private

CHJ legal

Avenue de la Gare 2

CH-2000 Neuchâtel

+41(0)32 501 20 11


We answer your calls from Monday to Friday

from 9:30 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 16:30

How to get to CHJ legal

Bus: Terreaux Museum stop

Parking: Parking du Seyon SA, Parking de la Gare

On foot: 10 minutes from the station and the town centre

CHJ legal location adresse