Marlène Collette
Avocate au Barreau de Paris, Dr. en droit
Rechtsanwältin (Anwaltskammer Paris), Dr. iur.
Attorney-at-law (Paris Bar), PhD in Law
Lawyer registered in the EU/EFTA Bar Roll of the Canton of Neuchâtel
I have a French-Swiss academic background and, in parallel with my academic position at the University of Fribourg, I am entitled to practice legal representation in Switzerland and France.
Areas of interest :
All legal issues (litigation and advice) specific to the situation of French-Swiss dual nationals and French nationals in Switzerland (expatriates and cross-border workers), in particular:
- Private international law
- Administrative law
- Constitutional law and political rights
- Fundamental rights and civil liberties
- Human rights law
- European law
- French law (public and private)
- Family Office
Formation :
- Qualified as attorney-at-law, 2017
- EFB (Paris Bar School), 2016-2017
- PhD in law (University of Neuchâtel), 2015
Career :
- Lawyer Partner, CHJ Legal, since 2022
- Academic Director of the National Center of the Institute of Federalism, University of Fribourg, since 2022
- Assistant in Administrative law, UniDistance, 2020-2021
- Associate lawyer, Frôté&Partner law firm, Neuchâtel, 2018-2020
- Legal internship within a major law firm in Lausanne and Paris, 2016-2017
- Assistant professor at the Chair of Swiss and Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Neuchâtel, 2008-2013
- Councilor of French people abroad, General Consulate of France in Geneva, since 2021
- Secretary of the Société française de Neuchâtel, since 2018
- Tenants’ representative at the Conciliation Chamber
- Member of the Paris Bar Association
- Member of the Neuchâtel Bar Association
- Member of the French Association of Constitutionalists
- French
- English
- Spanish
- (Russian)